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1. Corporate Management Structuring

BSS PLUS develops corporate structuring models special to middle and large size companies in order for the companies operate more effective, more efficient and sustainable, and provides the services below to maintain the permanency of corporate governance concept:


  • Preparation of internal company instructions and organization chart

  • Formation of top management/executive committee

  • Separation of the duties of board of directors and top management/executive committee

  • Determination of working rules and procedures of board of directors and top management/executive committee

  • Measurement of the effectiveness of General Manager/CEO and top management

  • Formation of the structures balancing the conflict of interests among directors/managers and shareholders

  • Determination of working rules of various committees to be formed as a part of board of directors

  • Formation of communication channels for family members such as family constitution and family council


2. Quality Management

BSS PLUS, in cooperation with its solution partners, provides the services below in order to form the basic structure required to obtain Quality Management Certificate:


  • Formation of organization chart

  • Defining duties of personnel

  • Formation of internal performance valuation system

  • Formation of internal control system

  • Preparation of necessary documentation for the above


3. Strategy

BSS PLUS, with the cooperation of its solution partners, provides consultancy service in strategy development and its implementation.  


4. Mergers & Acquisitions and Fission

BSS PLUS, with the cooperation of its solution partners, provides the services below:


  • necessary preparations for mergers & acquisitions and fissions such as preparation of due diligence report and company valuation

  • implementation of mergers and acquisitions/fissions

  • measurement of performance of the transaction after closing

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