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1. Competition Compliance Program

Companies can be punished by the Turkish Competition Authority with an administrative fine up to 10% of their annual income in case they act in contrary to the competition rules. Considering that the companies (especially in banking, automotive and GSM operating sectors) are punished with high administrative fines, competition compliance programs arise as a requirement for all companies.


BSS PLUS provides the services below in order for the preparation and implementation of program on compliance to competition rules as advised by Turkish Competition Authority:


Preparation of internal company instructions on the essentials and procedures of competition compliance program


  • Giving education on competition compliance to company directors/managers and employees

  • Formation of a consistent discipline and promotion implementation aiming compliance to competition rules

  • Review and audit of competition compliance program in specific intervals

  • Reporting on compliance to competition periodically


2. Notifications

BSS PLUS reviews the transactions to be executed with various actors such as competitors, suppliers and dealers in terms of compliance to competition rules, and applies for clearance and exemption when necessary. BSS PLUS provides services for obtaining clearance from Competition Authority in the process of mergers and acquisitions when necessary.


3. Market/Sector Analysis

BSS PLUS, with the cooperation of its solution partners, makes researches through several resources on markets/sectors where already operated or to be penetrated and prepares and prepares market/sector analysis such as market saturation, market competition intensity, market entry barriers.

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